BETUNEL is a pioneer in launching another type of modified asphalt in Brazil, which will give designers new technical options for different types of asphalt pavements.
The Modified TLA Asphalt is a product modified in an industrial plant, by combining natural asphalt and refinery asphalt. This non-polymeric modifier – Natural Asphalt, is extracted from the famous Lake of Trinidad located in the country of Trinidad Tobago, known as Trinidad Lake Asphalt –TLA, proven to be one of the best modified non-polymer asphalts in the world.
This modified asphalt has an improved viscosity/temperature relationship, which combines that of a high viscosity asphalt at high temperatures and a low viscosity asphalt at low temperatures.
The Modified TLA Asphalt has a great differential – is more resistant to the action of fuels; besides providing the asphalt mixtures greater resistance to deformation (avoids the formation of wheel tracks) and increase lifespan. “This product has been used by concessionaires for 3 years with great success,” explains the director of Betunel, Osvaldo Tuchumantel Junior.
Source: Brazil Expo 203 News Room