
LebensArt – Garten, Wohnen und Lifestyle – Putbus

LebensArt – Garten, Wohnen und Lifestyle is a home exhibition series in various German locations with beautifully located venues, Together with the exhibitors, the show creates an impressive outdoor world of experiences. Cream-colored pavilions, historic buildings, and a rural atmosphere give the LebensArt event its own distinctive charm. Enjoy this delightful country excursion and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a few hours.

In addition to seasonal products from the world of gardens and plants,  new ideas from the home and interior design sector are offered, as well as selected exhibits from fashion, jewelry, and accessories, creating a harmonious ambiance where you will feel comfortable. Let yourself be inspired by the show’s program of special themes, demonstrations, and decoration ideas. Culinary and musical surprises will accompany and enhance your visit.