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Power & Water Nigeria Exhibition

Nigeria, with its rapidly growing population, ranks as the seventh most populous country in the world. Consequently, there is a pressing need to expand the supply of power and water in order to meet the increasing demands. Unfortunately, only slightly over 51% of the population currently has intermittent access to electricity, making the lack of power the biggest hindrance to the country’s progress. Similarly, the water sector faces comparable challenges, with approximately 71% of the population having access to safe water. While climate plays a role in this predicament, research indicates a crucial requirement for upgrading the water supply infrastructure.

The Power & Water Nigeria Exhibition & Conference serves as a platform for global stakeholders to gather, enabling them to engage in technical discussions and conduct on-the-spot assessments of the region’s prospects in power generation, distribution, renewable energy, and water and utilities sectors. This annual exhibition provides buyers with the opportunity to explore and compare innovative technologies from leading local and international suppliers.