Bucharest, November 24th, 2015 The 8th Energy+Efficiency Fair and Conferences – RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, was hosted by the Palace Hall in Bucharest, between the 17th – 18th of November 2015. This year the event pays special attention to energy efficiency, due to the impact it may have on the economy, environment and social benefits in Romania.
“RENEXPO® reinforces its position as the ideal business platform for key players in renewable energy and energy efficiency. The 8th edition of the event gathered for two days at the Palace Hall in Bucharest, decision makers, investitors and beneficiaries which discussed about topics for a sustainable future. As usual, we welcome on the Romanian market the new exhibitors. This year companies from UK and USA joined us. We want to thank all our partners, sponsors, exhibitors, conference participants, who have accompanied us this year and certify with their presence the professional level of RENEXPO®!”, said Gabriela Bujeniță – Project Manager RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE.
RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE was supported this year by the Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Environment and sponsored by the Austrian companies Global Hydro Energy GmbH and Fronius International GmbH and the Finnish company Valmet Technologies Oy.
A number of 50 national and international well known companies from 10 European countries and one from USA, presented their products and services on a surface of 1500m², to approximately 1200 specialized visitors on the 2 days of the event.
At the opening ceremony honored us with their participation: Zoltan NAGY-BEGE, Member of the Regulatory Board ANRE, which welcomed the initiative of REECO to extend the energy efficiency topic; Rolanda PREDESCU, National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, which focused on innovation as part of the whole process of transition to a greener future and Gabriela BUJENIŢĂ, Project Manager RENEXPO, REECO RO EXPOZITII.
5 international specialized conferences, one forum and other side events on many topics from: energy efficiency, solar energy, hydropower, biogas, biomass, waste to energy and others, took place in parallel with the trade fair. All these events were attended by 450 specialists from many sectors from renewable energy and energy efficiency, by the media, students and others.
The novelty of this edition was the 1st International Energy Efficiency Summit. In the Summit, over 20 spearkers, representatives of important institutions, presented their work. We would like to mention: Ph. D Emil CALOTĂ, Vicepresident ANRE, Head of the Energy Efficiency Department, Romania; Gabriele BRANDL, Austrian Energy Agency, Austria; Corneliu RĂDULESCU, General Manager ANRE and Virgil MUŞATESCU, Counselor CNR-CME, Romania.
The trade fair was animated also by the presence of a large number of students. The 2nd Renewable Energy Career Forum gathered students from many universities in the sector, who were able to get in contact with the exhibitors in order to discuss their future in the renewable energy.
RENERGY AWARD was offered for the 4th time at RENEXPO® SOUTH-EAST EUROPE. The award was presented this time in three categories: to an Outstanding Personality, to an Innovative Technology and to a Foreign Investor. The winner for an Outstanding Personality was Prof. Dr. Eng. Virgil MUȘATESCU – Counselor CNR-CME, the award for an Innovative Technology was given to Evinox Energy Ltd. from UK, and the award for a Foreign Investor was achieved by the Austrian company Global Hydro Energy GmbH.
More information about RENEXPO trade fair and conferences taking place in parallel you can find under www.renexpo-bucharest.com
