RENEXPO®SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, Romania’s largest and most important renewable energy and energy efficiency event, comes back with the 5th edition to the Palace Hall Bucharest, between the 21st – 23rd of November 2012. For the first time The German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with REECO organised the German Joint Booth on over 100m²!
Romania has become a target country and has increased the interest of renewable energy investors, according to the Country Attractiveness Indices report, released in November 2011 by Ernst & Young, it ranks 13 among the most attractive countries in the world regarding investments in this area. Investors who will succeed to implement until 31st of December 2012 their renewable energy projects, will receive a number of green certificates as required by law. Thus, according to Transelectrica, renewable energy producers have received in the first 2 months of this year 438.551 green certificates, their value amounting to 46,1 million euro.
According to Transelectrica, Romania has photovoltaic parks with a capacity of only 2 MW, and in the next 2 years there are announced projects of 300 MW. In addition, there are wind parks of 1.117 MW,small hydropower plants of 400 MW and biomass plants of 25 MW. In total, Romania has power plants that generates green energy with a capacity of 1.541 MW. Until 2020, 38% from the electricity consumption will have to come from green energy, compared to 28% last year.
RENEXPO®SOUTH-EAST EUROPE keeps up the tradition of the last years and supports the renewable energy producers, bringing together experts and key persons from re-newable energy sector. The trade fair brings together for the 5th time, between 21st – 23rd of November 2012, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest, multipliers and actors from the south-eastern Europe, to a central event.
In 2012 for the first time at RENEXPO®SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with REECO organised the German Joint Booth on over 100m²! Between the exhibitors there are: BAG Budissa Agroservice GmbH, BioConstruct GmbH,Dach und Sonne Agrar GmbH, Kraftanlagen München GmbH, MT-Energie, MWM Austria GmbH, Pro-Terra Regenerative Energietechnik GmbH, PUK-Solar GmbH & Co. KG, Schletter GmbH, Wolf GmbH and AHK Rumänien.
In parallel with the trade fair, several conferences on renewable energy topics will be organised: wind energy, solar energy, biomass, hydropower, energy efficiency and others will take place as part of the trade fair, where national and international public authorities, associations, scientists and companies present trends, research results, technologies and innovations in their field.
Further information about RENEXPO®SOUTH-EAST EUROPE, from 21st – 23rd of November 2012, at the Palace Hall in Bucharest, you can find under