What Are Busbars?

We often come across the question ‘What are busbars?’ In this article we hope to answer that for you and give you a clearer idea of their uses, and their advantages too.
How are busbars used?
Busbars are used in electrical power distribution and their main purpose is to conduct an electrical current which can be very substantial. They can be used in all types of electrical apparatus that conduct electricity such as a substation, switchboard, battery bank or distribution board. They are usually made from copper, aluminium or brass. The maximum capacity of current that can be carried safely through a busbar depends on its cross section. These sizes can vary from as little as 10mm to as large as 20cm.
It is important that the busbars do not overheat and so, with this is mind, they are usually made as hollow tubes or flat strips as these shapes have a larger surface area which means the heat can be dispersed more easily. In switchyards that are outdoors, the use of hollow tubes means that the span between the busbar supports can be greater.
Insulation is needed when using a busbar and this insulation will either completely surround the busbar or be used to support it. Metal earth enclosures are used to protect the busbars from accidental contact. The busbars can also be elevated so they are not in normal reach.
Busbars need to be connected to electrical apparatus and they may also need to be connected to each other. The most common methods of connections involve the busbar being bolted, welded or clamped.
What are the advantages of using busbars?
Busbars have a number of advantages that makes them a popular choice for use in many different industries. Busbars offer a predictable performance. This means that whatever industry they are being used in, the business owner can be reassured that the busbars will perform as expected which allows for more accurate planning regarding the electrical systems and how they are used. They also improve the performance of electrical equipment which can lead to the productivity of the business increasing. And, as everybody know, increased productivity equals increased profits – something that is welcome in every type of business regardless of sector.
The cost of installing and operating busbars is a lot lower than other types of electrical distribution and this is a major advantage for businesses that are just starting out who are installing busbars for the first time. It will also benefit businesses that are replacing their existing distribution systems with busbars as there is very little initial cost and they will soon be seeing the benefits that busbars bring. The actual installation is error proof and so it can be completed quickly without the business owner having to worry about anything going wrong during the installation process.
So, if you are looking for an effective way to conduct a hefty electrical current in a safe, effective and cost efficient manner – busbars might just be the piece of kit that you have been looking for.