New Hardlife Range of Compactors and Compaction Wheels from Bucket Warehouse
The team at Bucket Warehouse are pleased to announce the release of their new and exclusive range of Hardlife Excavator Compactors and Compaction Wheels. Designed to easily mount to almost any excavator via standard adaptor plates or brackets, these attachments are available to fit machines between 1-16 tonne. Each model offers a powerful tool, providing great control and consistency when compacting across large areas. Both the compactors and compaction wheels create high productivity, offering an efficient and economical solution to soil compaction.
The Hardlife Hydraulic Compactor plate uses a powerful vibration motion that exerts an incredible force through the plate, generating stress waves upon granular or loose material, forcing air to the top and creating tighter compaction on the applied surfaces. These excavator mounted compactors are ideal for compacting soil and other materials in trenches, slopes and embankments or driving in and pulling out piles, posts, and beams. They reduce the risk posed for anyone manually working on slopes and in trenches, greatly improving safety for an otherwise risky application.
The Hardlife Compaction Wheel provides manual soil compaction inside trenches and along embankments. Working faster and more effectively due to the rotation of the wheel there is less wear and tear on both the machine and the driver. Its smooth operation provides safe reassurance when working near pipes, lines and foundations and is more likely to prevent soil bridging from occurring as the compaction wheels’ compact soil from the bottom upwards, breaking it up and filling voids as it rotates. The mixing and kneading operation of the wheel also helps to distribute soil moisture and provides a uniform soil consistency for better compaction.
Bucket Warehouse will be displaying both the compactor and compaction wheel on one of their static displays at Plantworx later this year and have available stock available for viewing on request at their Milton Keynes depot.

excavator buckets