Mozambique has one of the world’s fastest growing economies, and although it started from a low base the country is making amazing progress at modernizing. Economic diversity is among the highest in Africa – manufacturing, agriculture and tourism are all expanding – and the government is investing in infrastructure too. That means there’s a thriving construction sector, and for the third year in a row MOZAMBUILD will be showcasing it to the world. This exciting event will be running from 19-20 May, and whether you’ve been working in Mozambique for a while or are looking at entering the market it’s a great opportunity to start building links with local firms.
The original idea behind MOZAMBUILD, which is partnered by the Mozambican Federation of Contractors, was to bring in expertise for infrastructure projects, but that concept has expanded and the event has turned into a wide-ranging construction show that covers all sectors of the industry. Expect to see everything from flooring and hand tools to heavy plant on display, much of it produced by local and other African manufacturers, on stands hosted by a global array of firms. Conformed exhibitors so far include South African home improvement specialist Builders Warehouse, Emirati prefab maker Mammut Building Systems and business process leader Sherwood International. The full list of companies is filling up and this looks like being a very impressive show.
MOZAMBUILD will also feature plenty of involvement by the Federation of Contractors, making it extremely valuable for anyone planning on working in Mozambique; it’s a chance to meet local business leaders and start forging partnerships that could lead to project invitations. That alone means it shouldn’t be missed, but there’s a lot more planned too.
As Mozambique’s cities grow a lot of investment is going into water management, both supply and wastewater. MOZAMWATER 2015 will be a key event of the exhibition, giving firms and the public sector a platform to share ideas and look for new ways forward. There will also be a range of specialist seminars, giving you the chance to learn about the latest trends in construction techniques as well as the best ways to go about doing business in Mozambique.
MOZAMBUILD 2015 will be hosted in Maputo’s Girassol Indy Congress hotel, giving easy access to the city center as well as to transport links. It’s free to attend – just sign up at the event website. Mozambique is probably the most promising construction market in Africa right now, and MOZAMBUILD is an unbeatable way to get a head start there.