Northern Europe’s largest compact construction show calls again, like every year in September (06. to 11.09.2012) the construction professionals to Neumünster. Dirk Iwersen, CEO of Holstenhallen Gmbh and fair manager Wolfgerd Jansch, informed recently on the preparation for the coming fair days.
Mr. Iwersen, as the top manager for Holstenhallen, you described in a conversation the NordBau as a “Magnet for the entire construction industry in Northern Europe”. How do you justify your declaration.
Iwersen: The development of NordBau into the turning point of Northern European specialized construction world has strengthened in recent years. Alongside to visitors from Scandinavia more and more North European visitors are attending. Among them, last year, the Minister of Constructions in Kaliningrad, Mr. Evgenij Morosow and a delegation, did gather for two days information on modern materials and high performance machinery. I am certain that the interest showing from this region for our trade show will continue to increase.
The same applies for the northern German states. The number of visitors from more distant regions of the “northern half of Germany” increases year after year.
Jansch: The NordBau offers in Neumunster – such as every year – the basis for a trade show with a special atmosphere, to “feel good”. The slogan “here we talk to each other” has already become a buzzword in the national media environment. In exchange it is worth it, as a host, to create again and again the necessary conditions.”
Speaking of visitors – What do you expect for the 57th edition in terms of “figures”?
Iwersen: Mr. Jansch has already referred to the “feel good” factor that, if you will, is associated to a successful fair. Exhibitor or visitor hit figures are secondary to me. It is important that Neumünster remains a successful exhibition facility. Since the exhibition area is already fully booked months in advance, count on statistics similar to the ones in 2011. There will be more then 900 local and abroad exhibitors using the September North European fair to show their exhibits. We expect again roughly 70 000 visitors on 62 000 square meters outdoor area and 20 000 square meters of hall space.
What are the main topics of the fair in 2012?
Iwersen: Building and renovating in terms of the climate protection and energy management issues will play a major role. In here I can see a new quality required to craftsmanship skills, not only in the specialized visitors but also the private builders. The young generation, for instance, lays high value on a healthy and comfortable living, among the own four walls. And this stands for new constructions or already existing buildings. The interest and the inquired know how on the needed construction materials have increased in recent years. Additionally to economic efficiency and resource conservation, there are more and more health facets considered when choosing construction materials. This is what exhibitors are set on.
Construction, municipal and commercial utility vehicles are claiming one more a large exhibition area…
Jansch: Demand for space in the outdoor exhibiting area is unbowed. It shall be interesting to see how construction machines manufacturers have managed to implement the emissions guidelines for the new generations of machines. Visitors and customers of the stands expect not only new machines but new generations of more efficient and environment friendly technologies. Utility vehicles will again be part of the event picture – an exhibition section that became more and more important both for visitors and exhibitors.
Would you emphasize a main issue from the variety of trade offers?
Iwersen: The construction sector and the construction professional associations, along with the organizers will focus more then before on an overarching theme for the entire event. With “Fascinating construction jobs”, young public will be offered the opportunity to become interested by a field in bad need of talents. Professions in constructions, current and new vocational fields shall be brought closer to students and youngsters. The time of brick hauling and mortar stirring is long gone. Challenging construction technology and high quality construction materials do require extensive knowledge in the daily work process. Preparing for NordBau we shall consider this action even closer. I am certain we will use also future fairs to stir the rum in favor of the construction professions.
NordBau is known also by the numerous events and special topics …
Jansch: Like every year before, there are more than 40 specialized conferences and symposia to accompany the trade fair in Neumünster. These are already under intense preparations and coordination meetings, such as – for example – for the very successful sewer rehabilitation days. But there are also other special shows, such as “IT in construction”, “High-tech building – networking with strong partners, the special exhibition hall “Designing living space”, the information desk “Build clever – finance clever”, or the meeting place for experts in road construction, making the exhibition program even more interesting.