In order to carry out core-drilling work on construction sites exactly and with optimal results the core-drilling equipment used must be safely fastened to the ground. To give users an idea of the ideal fastening system the core-drilling equipment working group of the construction equipment and building material machinery association of VDMA, the German Engineering Federation, has now issued the information brochure entitled “Safe fastening of core-drilling equipment” in German and in English. The brochure is aimed at companies doing work in this field.
The relationship between the influencing variables “machine” and “site conditions” for core-drilling work is rather complex. The fact that the materials making up the ground are not homogenous leads to varying strength characteristics. As dowel manufacturers cannot provide universal data regarding the dowel extraction force, it is necessary to study and to contact all possible sources and know-how providers when it comes to selecting the most suitable fastening system. This may include one’s own “best-practice” experience, the cooperation with dowel manufacturers or also the knowledge of the effects of all influencing variables mentioned in the information brochure. “For this reason we can’t provide users with a universal recipe”, says Helmut Schgeiner from the VDMA, “but what we can do is to offer them for the first time compact information about all essential prerequisites for the safe fastening of a core-drilling machine on the construction site which goes beyond the information contained in the operating instructions”.
Taking advantage of the information provided in the brochure requires in-depth knowledge in the field of applied machine and fastening technologies. Manufacturers of core-drilling equipment therefore advise users to have all decisions regarding the method of fastening the equipment on the construction site taken only by adequately trained and instructed personnel.
The suggestion that this leaflet should be elaborated by the manufacturers came from the users themselves. The project was accompanied by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlev Borstell of the University of Koblenz. The 21-page brochure may be downloaded from the VDMA website.

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