NordBau Neumünster (North Germany) 2011 already fully booked.
Neumünster. – „We are fully booked”, informs the largest compact constructions fair in Northern Europe, taking place from the 8th to the 13th of September in Neumünster.
As by the description of the event’s spokesperson „The NordBau has set up as a steady constant in the events calendars of the construction branch, with a stable exhibitors community and high visitor’s figures “.The affinity to the construction branch, the feeling for topical and explosive subjects and not least the time factor – time for contacts, exchange of ideas and views – „ this correlation is one of the big strengths of NordBau: ` Here, one speaks with each other ´ as by the exhibitors and visitors, praising the constant popularity of the construction fair in Neumünster.
Still high in the top of interest with the exhibitors and visitors, as a header, is energy efficiency in building renovation and in newly built housing. Also with the 56-th edition of NordBau, the topics “energy efficiency” and “climate protection” stretch as a guide through the fair halls and the open area booths. Above all the combination and the interaction of the most modern heating technology with building materials, windows and highly efficient facade and roof insulations, offers a unique overview for all visitors “, as by the officials of the fair.
The fact that it does not lack in interesting topics, at this particular moment in time, is proven by another focal point. As with January 1st, 2012 a drastic European – Pollutant Emissions Act steps in for construction machines. Thus the NordBau Neumünster becomes the main information platform on the newest engines technology.
In this respect, manufacturers had to carry out the most extensive developing work so far in order to cope with the tension field between guidelines on pollutant and noise issues, climate protection and resource efficiency on the one hand and the customers demand for reasonable consumption oriented solutions, on the other hand.