Celebrating 11 years of presence in the city on Bega, Timisoara, CAMEX 2011 brings a series of events – “business to business” conferences, dedicated to specialists in the field of constructions. The exhibition will take place between 6-8 October and the conferences are distributed for each of the three days: “Urban management for a competitive city” in the first day, whereas for the ones interested by interior design: “Interiors in Timişoara”, event organized on October 7th.
The first conference brings into discussion problems such as: thermo rehabilitation of the city, rehabilitation of the buildings with historic potential, the importance of infrastructure in the city development, structural funds attainment for urban development projects, regional development in accordance with ecologic policies. The one who will moderate the discussions is conf. dr. arh. Radu Radoslav, manager of the Urbanists’ Register in Romania.
The second conference entertains topics related to interior architecture: furniture, design, finishing, and last generations’ products in the field as well as solutions for different obstacles met in interiors design. Moderator of the conference is Arh. Vlad Gaivoronschi, president of the Architects’ Order in Romania, Timiş Branch, accompanied by two other architects whom have obtained important prizes at specialty contests.
Architects Maja Baldea and Claudiu Toma, both representing « Parasite Studio », multiple awarded architecture office, will come to introduce two of the winning projects: “White apartment” winner of the 2008 Timişoara Architecture Gala, interior design category, and the project “Blackbox“, awarded two years later in the same contest.
Also, at the conference on October 7th, five well known Romanian companies will show presentations and case studies: Saint-Gobain Rigips, Saint-Gobain Glass, Saint-Gobain Isover, Adeplast (company specialized in constructions materials for finishing) and Dexion (south-east European leader in production and sales of warehousing systems).
Timişoara , possible European cultural city in 10 years
The fields mainly treated are the ones that focus on constructions, architecture and urbanism and the public attending these conferences will consist only of specialists.The expected number of specialists from the western area of the country overcomes 200 and their presence is even more important since Timişoara is running for the title of European cultural city in 10 years, so a large inflow of investments should help the city.
In this context, Arh. Vlad Gaivoronschi, president of the Architects’ Order in Romania, Timis Branch, declared for the organizers of the exhibition, AB Plus Events, the fact that Timişoara is one of the cities with the most important architectural value, concurring different styles, such as baroque, art-nouveau or secession. The utility of the conferences will prove if Timişoara’s architects shall manage to agree upon the way the city should evolve.
CAMEX 2010, more conferences, more solutions found
Since the inauguration 10 years ago up to date, more then 1000 construction companies stepped over the threshold of the exhibition and more the 70000 people of Timisoara have visited CAMEX and have bought in CAMEX. The previous edition reunited under the same roof companies such as: Amvic, Deco Construct, Deco Professional. In contrast with the current edition, the later brought about four conferences with following topics: architecture and urban development, roofing, facades, floors and energetic efficiency, terrains, infrastructures, installations, heating systems, ventilations and air conditioning.
Also, at the 10 years anniversary edition CAMEX hosted special exhibitions with the best and most awarded works of the architects in Timişoara. Also, on this occasion, the Regional Forum “Construction Week” was organized, an opportunity to lead discussions regarding the identification of a national strategy for environment quality, innovations in construction materials, evaluation of the existing ones in terms of performance and thermo isolation, ecologic projects.
In order to grow over the level of discussions, last year an Evening of Excellence in Constructions was organized, an event meant to mediate initiation of the business contacts that were to animate the solutions previously found.
Exhibitors can only win
Beyond preoccupation for the city hosting the exhibition, there are series of benefits by participation at this event. Firstly there is an increasing of the sales volumes, facilitated by the direct contact with potential buyers. Then, by the business to business feature, new possibilities are offered to bind partnerships between distributors of construction materials and suppliers.
The ones bringing new products to CAMEX, festive bring outs are organized, in the presence of the participants at the conferences. Moreover, the benefit of image is not to be neglected; publication in the exhibitions’ catalogue, the samplings, the media events, all shall contribute to an increase of notoriety, also reachable by the contact between companies, representatives of the administration and personalities of the constructions market.
Last but not least, the opportunity of an effective analysis has to be considered. On the spot observations can reveal: the profile and habits of the buyers, the needs, evolution of the competition, new markets. Be it satisfactorily or not, feedback of the customers can be received in real time and can be used in further market consolidation strategies.
Raluca Borceanu