East Africa is on the rise. Great infrastructure and construction projects, financed by private and public investors, brighten the future for the East African region and make the region as attractive as never before. “The vibrant East African construction sector is poised for long term growth. This is largely due to the increased investments on both local and transboundary infrastructure projects. In Kenya, the 10 000km roads construction and the last mile connectivity program to give additional 1.7 million customers access to electricity will open more opportunities in these sectors”, stated Mr. Philip Nyabanda, Technical Director of the Kenyan Federation of Master builders.
A perfect place to be, for every company that wants to expand business relations in this region, is the international construction, infrastructure, building and energy trade fair CIBEX East Africa. From 1st to 3rd March 2016 the show will celebrate its third edition in the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
Receiving great support from governmental side and international associations, CIBEX established a high level business platform within the region over the past three years. Companies from all around the world are attending the trade fair to showcase new products, provide the region with latest innovations and to build up business relations in booming East and Central Africa. “CIBEX presents an ideal platform for international, regional and local players in the construction industry to interact and do business, we look forward to the next edition”, said Mr. Nyabanda.
Kenya, as the hub for whole region, is the perfect place to start business and to get in contact with potential clients and stake holders of surrounding countries. All relevant construction associations from Ethiopia, Kenya, Ruanda, Uganda and Tanzania are on‐site, supporting the CIBEX conference with project presentations and networking with local and international industry players. Exhibitors have the chance to use a matchmaking service to meet their target market in pre‐arranged private meetings on‐site the show.
For more information please visit www.cibexeastafrica.com.