RENEXPO® BIO&CO – The Bridge for Romania's Energy Independence and a Cleaner Environment


sigla_reecoDespite the changes in the support scheme for granting green certificates, investments in renewable energy continued to grow and a resource with a huge potential for Romania is biomass. With the fast development of the wind energy sector and with the growth expectations of the solar industry there are required energy balancing capacities and the biomass energy is one of the most logical alternatives to achieve it. REECO decided to sustain BIOmass, BIOgas, BIOfuels and COgeneration development in Romania and has the honour to present you its new sub-brand: RENEXPO® BIO&CO. The event will take place between the 20th-22nd of November 2013, in the most modern exhibition centre from Romania: EXPOROM Bucharest.

Biogas and biomass represent very attractive renewable energy sources in Romania, not only because of the very high natural potential, but also because of the favourable political situation. The government encourages biogas usage, especially in the CHP units. Romania has an estimated annual production potential of about 1.18 billion cubic meters of biogas. The heat generation potential from biogas in turn totals approximately 14,800 terajoule per year and the power generation potential of 350,000 TOE per year. Currently, about 1,700 TOE cogenerated electricity and approximately 1,900 TOE heat is generated from biogas per year, out of which about 50% of sewage.

Romanian biomass market has all chances to exceed 210 MW biomass power plants in the next two years and the biomass & cogeneration sector is still at the beginning. According to experts, if there is one sector which may explode in 2013 – 2014, it will be energy production through cogeneration.

RENEXPO BIO&CO is for over 6 years, the meeting point for the BIOmass, BIOgas, BIOfuels and COgeneration industry in Romania! Over 90 national and international companies from 12 countries and 2 continents, have already registered as exhibitors at the trade fair, among whom there are companies from Bio&Co area: Turboden s.r.l., Biogest Romania SRL, B-Team Consult and Services SRL, Uniconfort srl, Eneria, Eratic SA, Herz Armaturen Romania SRL, Ircat, MT-Energie GmbH, MWM Austria GmbH, Wartsila Hungary Kft, WELtec BioPower GmbH and others.

In cooperation with professional Partners, REECO will organise specialised international conferences and side events to discuss issues like unclear aspects of the legislation or its lack, potential, risks and changes.

For the 6th time the International Conference – Biomass in Romania will take place with topics such as: Romanian biomass market overview – future potential projects, Pellet market trends and energy plants, Management of Wood Waste and Best practice examples in different European countries.

The conferences will take place on the 21st of November 2013, at EXPOROM. Also on November 21st the 2nd International Workshop: Cogeneration & District Heating will take place. At the workshop there will be discussed topics like: Circumstances – Legislation for cogeneration in Romania; Economic aspects – Financing, Leasing; Operation of the plant – technical analysis, the best practice examples and The first tri-generation biomass plant in Romania. Between the speakers there are: Ctlin DRAGOSTIN, Director Energy Serv, Romania; Gabriel ISTOC, B-Team and Consult Services,Romania; Marco DI PRIMA, Area Sales Manager, Turboden SRL, Italia; Markus EHRSTRÖM, Wärtsilä's Business Development Manager for Central and Eastern Europe and Sabina VASIU, Sales Director Proenergy Contract Installations SRL, Romania.

In parallel with the trade fair the International Forum – Biogas Production and Usage in Romania will be organized by REECO in collaboration with Romanian- German Chamber of Commerce and Industry & econet Romania, on the 22nd of November 2013, at EXPOROM. The Forum is dedicated to present the current legal, economic, financing and operational conditions of biogas plants in Romania but also opportunities for new business models and development of the framework. There will come to speech representatives of the public administration, law and financing specialists as well as plant operators and equipment producers.

The event is supported by major partners in the area: ISPE, AEBIG, BGBIOM, ValBiom, Cogen Czech, Czech Biogas Association, Fachverband Biogas e.V., BIOMASA The Association of legal entities, ASFOR and others. 

More information about the biggest and most important event on renewable energy in Romania and the specialized conferences taking place in parallel you can
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